
Pilot and monitor
Health of your animals

Animal health monitoring will bring you
reactivity on the disorders of your herd.

Optimize your animals’ bedtime

The health service accurately measures the time each animal spends lying and standing in a day.

The time lying down is positively correlated with cow productivity: it is established that one additional hour lying down will allow a gain of 1.7 kg of milk on average per cow.

This gain, although less palpable, is also true in suckler cows, both for the mother’s milk production and the improvement of MQM through a greater valorization of the ration.

With the help of appropriate enhancement screens, you can quickly identify animals whose behaviour deviates and identify the cause.

Spot the problem animals

Animals with health problems will see their overall behavior be impacted: change in lying and standing time, followed by a decrease in food consumption and the efficiency of rumination.

These changes may occur quickly, as in the case of certain clinical diseases (colibacillary mastitis, milk fever, etc.), or they may be more gradual, as with lameness.

By measuring standing and lying time, you can spot animals whose behaviour is deteriorating, often marked by poor quality and irregular lying time. This allows you to quickly identify cows that require special attention.

Identify animals with locomotion problems

Animals with locomotion problems will tend to show a deterioration in the medium term, more or less marked depending on the pathologies.

On these animals, the lying periods will be modified, often in offset of other animals to isolate themselves and better rest.

This is even more true when the building is saturated and standing times are long (for example, milking).

A cow not cycled will thus enter into a vicious circle, lying down less and especially by eating less.

Mozaë, by the precision of the measurement, allows you to identify and act on these animals at the first visible signs.

Compare animals to herd

Some animals may exhibit different behaviour from the rest of the herd.

This may be the case with animals with concerns, but it can also be influenced by other factors related to your breeding. By comparing animals, you identify certain animal profiles and act upstream.

Increase your animals’ productive well-being and income

Improving the welfare of your herd, that
By acting on individuals or the herd as a whole, will allow you to increase the productivity of your animals.

By anticipating disorders, Mozaë allows you to act quickly on animals that need your help, limiting the impact and use of antibiotics.